Technology and Its Impact on Healthcare and Life Sciences

February 9, 2024

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Without technology, some of the most impactful advancements in life science wouldn’t exist: the discovery of DNA and its double-helix structure, the cardiac pacemaker, and artificial intelligence-powered protein structure predictions — to name a few.

Technology will only continue to advance, exponentially so. What does that mean for patients and people who work in healthcare and life sciences? How can we prepare for the life sciences industry to change in the upcoming years? 

To truly understand the impact technology will have, you must understand the basics.

What are the life sciences?

Many of us know biology as the “study of life.” Humans have been studying life since ancient times, though much of the focus then was on healing sickness through traditional medicine. However, biology is just one branch of a larger parent science: life science — though the two are often used interchangeably.

Biology has always had a more descriptive, observational approach and a focus on categorization. Early biology mainly consisted of anatomy, botany, and zoology. But as technology advanced, so did our study of living things, including living organisms and cells that can only be seen microscopically.

Life science is the detailed study of living things, including structure, chemical processes, biological characteristics, and environmental interactions. While biology fits under that umbrella, the other branches of life science tend to be more technical. Life science as a whole is meant to be integrative; its focus is on understanding the structure of biological systems and using that acquired knowledge in biotechnology.

The branches of life science

  • Biology - the scientific study of living organisms and their association with environmental changes
    • Anatomy - the detailed study of living organisms and their parts
    • Botany - the detailed study of plants
    • Genetics - the study of heredity and mutation of living organisms
    • Microbiology - the study of single-celled organisms or small cell colonies, including those that life on, in, and around us
    • Zoology - the detailed study of the animal kingdom
  • Biochemistry - a subdiscipline that touches both biology and chemistry; it is the scientific study of chemical processes that occur within living organisms, including metabolic pathways, enzymes, and chemical structure
  • Biophysics - the specific study of mechanical principles underlying the biological process
  • Biotechnology - application-focused, this area of study lives at the intersection of biological knowledge and the methods behind the development of new technologies and products
  • Genetics - the study of genes, including how they act in the cell and how they are transmitted from parents to offspring

A primer on the life sciences industry

In its broadest sense, those engaged in the life sciences industry could work in a sector that focuses on scientific research or studying living organisms. However, more often than not, when people refer to the life sciences industry, they talk about the discovery, development, and commercialization of pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices, diagnostics, and other healthcare-related products.

Companies in this industry range from large pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms to startups and research institutions. These companies may conduct research or clinical trials; they may manufacture. Many do both, and those particular life sciences companies play a crucial role in advancing medical treatments, therapies, and healthcare technologies.

The life sciences industry also encompasses agricultural biotechnology, wherein companies develop genetically modified crops, agricultural chemicals, and technologies to improve crop yields, enhance pest resistance, and address food security challenges.

Measuring the technology’s impact in healthcare and life sciences

There are five main areas where technology has made a profound impact in healthcare and life sciences.

Medical devices and technology

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way we design and develop medical devices, leading to enhanced functionality, increased precision, and, ultimately, improved patient outcomes. 

A great example of this is in the customization and personalization of medical devices. Advanced digital design tools have made it possible to tailor medical devices based on specific patient and disease characteristics. With this level of customization, healthcare professionals can provide treatments that are more targeted and, therefore, more effective. This results in happier patients, higher quality, and better overall outcomes.

Technology has also accelerated the development timelines for medical devices. Computer-aided design (CAD) software has streamlined the design phase, allowing engineers to create and test prototypes virtually before physical production. This iterative process not only saves time and resources but also allows for more rapid product improvements and iterations.


Technology has transformed healthcare delivery by making telemedicine possible. Healthcare professionals can provide remote healthcare services, monitoring, and consultations, which is particularly important for individuals in rural and underserved areas. According to U.S. News & World Report, more than 600 rural hospitals are projected to close in the near future. This puts more strain on an already tenuous healthcare system. 

Telemedicine, however, improves access to healthcare and promotes equitable healthcare delivery, particularly for individuals facing financial or geographic barriers to receiving quality treatment. Through telemedicine, patients can access medical consultations and follow-up care remotely, eliminating the need for in-person visits and reducing travel-related expenses and time commitments.

Furthermore, technology has enhanced the capabilities of telemedicine in providing preventive care and long-term health management. With the aid of remote monitoring devices, healthcare professionals can remotely assess patients' vital signs, collect health data, and provide timely interventions. This allows for continuous monitoring of chronic conditions, early detection of potential health issues, and proactive interventions to prevent disease progression or exacerbation]. The integration of technologies such as wearables, IoT devices, and telehealth platforms has transformed telemedicine into a comprehensive and effective method of healthcare delivery.


Technology has contributed to the development of biomaterials for various medical applications, including tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and implants. 

One particularly notable technological advancement is 3D printing (or additive manufacturing) in biomaterials research and development. 3D printing allows for precise control over the fabrication of complex structures, enabling the creation of biomaterials with tailored properties and structures. This technology has revolutionized the production of scaffolds for tissue engineering, implants, and drug delivery systems, offering improved functionality and biocompatibility.

Additionally, advanced characterization techniques have played a crucial role in understanding the behavior and properties of biomaterials at the micro and nanoscale. Techniques such as scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and spectroscopy have facilitated the analysis and characterization of biomaterials, leading to the development of materials with optimized properties and performance.

Drug discovery

When it comes to pharmaceuticals, technology plays a crucial role in accelerating the drug discovery process. AI-driven algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data — biological data, chemical structures, and previous research findings — to identify potential drug targets, design new molecules, and predict their properties. This significantly expedites the initial stages of drug discovery and leads to the identification of novel drug candidates.

Technology has also made an impact on high-throughput screening (HTS). HTS is designed for rapid testing of large libraries of potential drug compounds against specific targets or disease models. Automated robotics and advanced imaging technologies have enhanced the efficiency and speed of HTS, enabling the screening of thousands or even millions of compounds in a short period. This has accelerated the identification of lead compounds for further development and optimization.

Technological advancements have also improved the drug formulation and delivery processes. For instance, nanotechnology has led to the development of nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems that offer targeted drug delivery, improved stability, and controlled release of drugs. These technologies enhance the therapeutic efficacy of drugs and reduce side effects.


Technology has enabled significant advancements and innovations in bioengineering. One major impact is the development of advanced imaging and visualization technologies, like MRI, CT scans, and fluorescence microscopy. These technologies allow bioengineers to image and analyze biological structures at high resolution, providing valuable insights for designing and developing new biomedical devices and therapies.

Additionally, computational modeling and simulation in bioengineering wouldn’t be possible without technology. With advancements in computing power and algorithms, bioengineers can create accurate models of complex biological systems, allowing them to study and predict the behavior of these systems before conducting experiments.

Technological advancements have also significantly impacted the field of genetic engineering. The development of gene-editing techniques, such as CRISPR-Cas9, has revolutionized the ability to modify and manipulate the genetic code of organisms. This has opened up new possibilities for bioengineers to create genetically modified organisms with desired traits, engineer cells for therapeutic purposes, and develop targeted gene therapies.

The importance of these trends in life sciences

What does all this mean for you?

  1. The life sciences industry is growing. And that growth will continue as long as technology continues to advance.
  2. There is a lot of variety in this industry. Whether it’s creating life sciences products, discovering new drugs, bioengineering, or something entirely different, there are diverse opportunities.
  3. If you’ve ever wondered what to do with a biology degree besides medical school, consider the life sciences industry.

Finding your place in the life sciences industry might feel intimidating, but the Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) makes it easy. Our rigorous programs, taught by renowned faculty and industry experts, provide a comprehensive understanding of the scientific, technological, and business aspects of healthcare and life sciences. From cutting-edge research to interdisciplinary collaboration, our curriculum fosters innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

We teach in state-of-the-art facilities and partner with industry leaders like Amgen, Gilead, Illumina, Genentech, ThermoFisher, and more. A life science degree, whether it’s an applied science degree or any of our other master’s or doctoral programs, is your ticket to a rewarding career at the forefront of transforming the world of healthcare and life sciences.

Learn more about career pathways you can take in the life sciences industry by downloading our resource.



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