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From the Lab to the Crime Scene: Genetics and Forensic Science

Written by KGI | May 7, 2024 7:30:00 PM

Forensic science is a multidisciplinary field encompassing multiple scientific disciplines investigating crimes and legal proceedings. It involves the application of scientific principles, techniques, and technologies to analyze and interpret physical evidence. Forensic science plays a crucial role in the criminal justice system, from analyzing bloodstains and fingerprints to scrutinizing digital data.

Genetics has become a cornerstone of modern forensic science, revolutionizing how law enforcement investigates crimes and identifies perpetrators. By gathering and analyzing genetic material, particularly DNA, forensic experts can provide valuable evidence that links suspects to crime scenes, exonerates the innocent, and helps unravel complex criminal cases. Genetic analysis techniques have significantly transformed forensic investigations, leading to breakthroughs in solving cold cases and bringing closure to victims and their families. 

Forensic science relies on genetic analysis to aid criminal investigations and deliver justice. But how exactly does genetic science work in the context of forensics, and what else can you do with a genetics degree? 

The Role of Genetics in Forensic Science

Advances in genetic analysis techniques enable scientists to extract valuable information from the DNA found at crime scenes. DNA analysis plays a pivotal role in forensic science because of its unique characteristics, like its stability and unique genetic markers for each individual. 

DNA Analysis Forensic Science

By examining DNA samples collected from crime scenes, forensic experts can identify individuals involved, establish relationships between individuals, and even determine physical characteristics like eye color and ancestry. DNA analysis's growing accuracy and reliability have helped convince criminals and exonerate innocent individuals. The ability to extract and analyze DNA from various sources, including blood, semen, saliva, and hair, has expanded the range of evidence, providing critical insights into criminal investigations. 

The Development of Forensic Genetics Techniques

Genetic profiling, commonly known as DNA profiling or fingerprinting, is a fundamental technique in forensic science. This involves analyzing specific regions of an individual’s DNA to create a unique genetic profile or DNA fingerprint. Techniques like polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing have significantly enhanced the accuracy and sensitivity of gene profiling. 

These methods allow forensic scientists to create DNA profiles from even minuscule amounts of DNA, maximizing the chances of identifying suspects or establishing connections between individuals and crime scenes. 

Case Studies of the Use of DNA as Forensic Evidence

One notable example of the use of genetics in solving crimes is the case of the “Golden State Killer,” where DNA from an old crime scene was matched to a public genealogy database, leading to the identification and arrest of the perpetrator decades later. Genetic analysis can unravel cold cases that seemed unsolvable before. 

Another example of using genetic information is identifying human remains using DNA analysis. By comparing DNA profiles from unidentified bodies with DNA samples from missing persons or their relatives, forensic scientists can bring closure to families and aid in criminal investigations. 

The Process of Genetic Analysis in Forensic Investigations 

Genetic analysis in forensic investigations involves a series of meticulous steps to collect, preserve, analyze, and interpret DNA evidence. Understanding this process is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of genetic findings in criminal investigations. 

Collection and Preservation of DNA Evidence 

The collection and preservation of DNA evidence are critical steps in forensic investigations. Forensic experts identify and collect biological samples containing DNA, such as bloodstains, hair follicles, saliva, and skin cells. Proper documentation and handling of the evidence are essential to prevent contamination and ensure the integrity of DNA samples.

Once DNA evidence is collected, scientists must preserve it to prevent degradation. Proper storage conditions, like storing samples in a controlled environment and maintaining a chain of custody, help preserve the integrity of DNA for analysis. Preservation methods may include refrigeration, freezing, or desiccation, depending on the nature of the sample.

Laboratory Techniques for DNA Analysis in Forensic Science

In the laboratory, forensic scientists employ various techniques to analyze DNA evidence extracted from crime scenes. These techniques include:

  1. DNA extraction: DNA is extracted from biological samples using methods that isolate and purify DNA molecules, like organic extraction or commercially available DNA extraction kits.
  2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): PCR is a widely used technique that amplifies specific DNA regions, making it possible to analyze even small or degraded samples.
  3. DNA profiling: DNA profiling techniques involve analyzing specific regions of an individual's DNA, such as short tandem repeats (STRs) or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), to create a unique genetic profile.
  4. Gel Electrophoresis: Gel electrophoresis separates DNA fragments based on size, allowing forensic scientists to visualize and analyze DNA profiles.

Integration of Forensic Genetics Into Criminal Investigations 

Once DNA analysis is complete, the genetic findings are integrated into criminal investigations to establish connections between suspects, victims, and crime scenes. Forensic experts collaborate with investigators and legal professionals to interpret DNA evidence, provide expert testimony in court proceedings, and assist in building a solid case based on genetic findings.

Advances in Genetic Technologies and Forensic Investigation

Recent advancements in genetic technology have significantly impacted forensic science, offering new tools and techniques that enhance the capabilities of DNA analysis in criminal investigations. 

A Use of New Genetic Technologies: Next-Generation Sequencing and CRISPR 

  1. Next-generation sequencing (NGS): NGS technologies have revolutionized DNA analysis by enabling the simultaneous sequencing of multiple DNA samples at an unprecedented speed and cost-effectiveness. NGS allows forensic scientists to generate vast amounts of DNA sequence data from trace amounts of evidence, providing a deeper understanding of genetic information. This technology could enhance the identificatory power of DNA profiling and expand the range of forensic applications.
  2. CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) technology: CRISPR has gained attention for its ability to edit genes with exceptional precision. In forensic science, professionals can utilize CRISPR-based techniques to create genetically modified models for studying the impact of specific genetic variants on physical traits or disease susceptibility. This technology presents new possibilities for understanding the genetic basis of human characteristics relevant to forensic investigations.

Ethical Considerations in Genetics and Forensic Science

As genetic technology continues to advance, ethical considerations in the field of forensic science become increasingly important. This section will explore key ethical concerns related to genetic forensic science.

Privacy concerns and the use of DNA databases are at the forefront of ethical concerns regarding genetic data use. Genetic scientists must consider issues related to informed consent, genetic privacy, and civil liberties when using genetic evidence in criminal cases and investigations. 

Genetic forensic analysis must also ensure equitable access and just data use processes. Primary concerns with equitable access include socioeconomic disparities, racial and ethnic disparities, and access to education and training to provide equal competence and expertise in applying genetic technologies across different jurisdictions and communities. 

Another ethical consideration is that while genetic evidence can aid in providing suspects or clearing names, it is not the end-all-be-all of criminal investigations. Just because an individual’s DNA appears at the crime scene does not mean they committed it. DNA can linger for months or years, not to mention the transfer of DNA from person to person, which can sometimes falsely indicate that someone was at a scene. Because of these factors, forensic scientists and law enforcement must consider DNA information and all other evidence before making a final accusation. 

Career Paths in Forensic Science

Forensic science offers diverse career paths for individuals interested in contributing to the investigation and resolution of criminal cases. From the educational requirements to the roles and responsibilities of forensic science technicians, this section provides comprehensive insights into the professional landscape of forensic science careers.

Crime Scene Investigator 

Crime scene investigators, also known as forensic science technicians, are responsible for collecting and analyzing physical evidence found at crime scenes to assist in criminal investigations. They document the crime scene, collect evidence such as fingerprints, DNA samples, and trace materials, and then analyze and process the evidence in a laboratory setting. Their findings and reports are often crucial in identifying suspects and solving crimes.

Forensic Scientist

Forensic scientists are specialized scientists who apply scientific principles and techniques to analyze and interpret physical evidence related to criminal investigations. They work with various evidence, including controlled substances, firearms, biological samples, and trace evidence. They use advanced laboratory equipment and methodologies to process and analyze their findings. They often testify in court as expert witnesses to present their research and help establish the truth in criminal cases.


Toxicologists are scientists who study the effects of chemicals and toxins on living organisms, focusing on how these substances may be involved in criminal activities such as poisoning or drug-related crimes. They analyze bodily fluids, tissues, and other samples to detect and identify toxic substances, determine their impact on the human body, and often provide crucial evidence in criminal cases involving poisoning, drug abuse, or environmental contaminants.

What Degree Do You Need to Be a Forensic Scientist? 

Pursuing a career in forensic science typically requires a relevant degree in forensic science, genetics, biology, chemistry, or a related field, accompanied by specialized training in forensic techniques and methodologies. 

Keck Graduate Institute’s Master of Science in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling 

The Master of Science in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling (MSGC) program at Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) in Claremont, CA, is dedicated to educating innovative genetic counselors who will serve the needs of individual patients, the healthcare system, and the bioscience industry. Our program emphasizes interprofessional collaboration, systematic problem solving, the safe, efficient, and ethical use of technology and biotechnology, and personalized patient care.

Graduates of this program can use their degrees in healthcare and patient-focused solutions or pursue careers in forensic science and crime scene investigation. 

The program is 21 months long, with classes conducted in person during the day. The degree includes a summer experience where students start fieldwork during their first year, an emphasis on experiential education, and a capstone project.

To learn more about what you can do with a Master of Science in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling from Keck Graduate Institute, you can request more information. Or, if you’re ready to apply, you can start your application